Aylık Arşivler: Mart 2022

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I shared my wife. With a stranger from the Interne

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I shared my wife. With a stranger from the InterneIt all started when I posted pics of her online without her knowing. I stated that the first person from my area that recognizes her and messages me can fuck her. Lit...

Cocksucking college sister 3

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Cocksucking college sister 3The next few hours were excruciating. I desperately wanted to attempt to deflower my sister, yet I had to wait. Celebrating my parents` 25th anniversary was fun. I especially enjoyed givin...

Brad, Nancy and Shari 2

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Brad, Nancy and Shari 2It is now friday afternoon and am sitting on the couch drinking my first cup of coffee. I am thinking how my life has suddenly changed after seeing the recording that Shari had shown me and the...

The Dark Side (Complete Story)

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The Dark Side (Complete Story)For those who are true AfroerotiK fans and keenly observant, they will realize that this story is a sequel to the Dominant Black Tales story. For those who are not as versed in my erotic...

Poker Night Part 4

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Poker Night Part 4I wake up the next morning, dried cum on my face. It was already a little later than usual. Mistress and Master come into my room. "Is my little sissy all ready for a big day today?" She said. I bou...

my Favorite

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my FavoriteRohit having first time sex with NehaHello people, I want to share a recent experience I had a few months ago when I met my girlfriend Neha. Hope you like it. I am 26 and work in an engineering company. Mo...

The Best Job Ever!

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The Best Job Ever!I had just finished high school and got a job working at this trash company, riding on the back of a garbage truck. After a couple of weeks they moved me to work with "Big Mike". Mike drove this sta...

F amily holiday 1

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F amily holiday 1I woke up and rolled out of bed, making my way out to the rear patio to see the rolling French countryside bathed in an early morning glow. I was on holiday, staying a French villa for two weeks with...

Brazilian Teenager, Part 2

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Brazilian Teenager, Part 2This is a followup to the Brazilian teenage story I posted here recently.You may remember about some cock teasing by a group of teenage girls on the beach and then a little more intimate fun...

Why I dislike most porn -3

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Why I dislike most porn -3I have seen a lot of it - Some is quite good - See here my more than ten thousand favourite videos!I have seen also many videos without acting or directors, why are they always better than p...

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